Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are adult fans of LEGO mainstream?

Is there a tipping point for a subculture where it no longer ceases to be underground and instead is just an accepted part of the mainstream? If so, how do you identify that exact moment?

For poker, was it when James McManus published Positively Fifth Street: Murderers, Cheetahs, and Binion's World Series of Poker? Or when ESPN started getting boffo ratings for the World Series of Poker? If not then, how about when Matt Damon showed us what it means to be a card shark in Rounders?

All of this stems from the increasing awareness of the Adult Fan of LEGO community. There's an article out in the Associated Press today devoted entirely to the world of AFOLs. Also, there might be a book you should consider getting for a dad or father in your life for Father's Day. LEGO: A Love Story is the best book written by me this year, in fact.

But I know that I'm too far involved in the world to have a good gauge on the cultural zeitgeist. I also know that in the three years that I've started this project, the idea of an adult playing with LEGO bricks has become a lot more accepted...and not just by me.

Image via Rob Young.

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