Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Couple friends and LEGO bricks

I've written about the concept of couple friends for newspapers -- wherein you can struggle to find couples that match up well with both you and your wife. And how the entire process is all too much like dating with rejection and the post-date analysis that goes on much too long.

Well, I didn't see this as a benefit until recently, but I have become a more desirable couple friend. It's funny to see husbands light up when I start to talk about LEGO bricks. And if the plastic bricks aren't enough of a grabber, I've always got Star Wars and Indiana Jones to fall back on before we get to the standard non-LEGO troika of beer, video games, or sports.

Men need an excuse to hang out and playing with plastic bricks turns out to be a great excuse. Although most spouses have no idea what their husband is getting into...

Image via Palo Alto Online.

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