Thursday, October 29, 2009

The title of the book

Grab a few bricks. (I'll wait). Build a small drum. (I'll still wait). And some drum sticks. (I'm used to waiting by now). Commence the drum roll.

The book has an official title... LEGO: A Love Story. To those who commented or e-mailed me other titles, I'm afraid you have won neither a steak dinner nor LEGO set. However, your entries ranged from amusing to very sweet, so I thank you for taking the time to think on it.

In related news, I saw the first artistic mock-up for the book cover and am overjoyed, as in hopping around the house with joy. Just a hint, it includes LEGO bricks, in some fashion. I know, hold on to your drum, right?

We'll be back to LEGO news tomorrow, this just seemed big enough to share today.

Photo by David Choe.

1 comment:

Stephen S Power said...

I love the drum set. I can't wait for LEGO Rock Band.